Weed Control
Weeds happen in every lawn, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with them. Weed management services with a well-managed lawn prevent pesky weeds from becoming an issue. Every lawn is different and will need a different lawn care and weed control program to stave off the invasion of weeds, protecting your beautiful lawn from being crowded into submission.
It’s important to note that complete eradication of weeds is not realistic. Weeds are very aggressive, with many having deep taproots and runners. However, with proper lawn care, weed control is possible – no excessive use of weed killer necessary.
Dandelions and other broadleaf weeds are among the most difficult weeds to deal with in lawns here in Northern Utah. With lawn fertilization services from Green Castle Lawn Care and Pest Control, your lawn will get all of the nutrients it needs to thrive.
Weed Control Services
As springtime rolls around, it’s time to start thinking about your lawn’s health. The invasion of weeds can destroy the look of even the best-kept lawns. Green Castle Lawn Care offers a complete weed control program to make sure the plants growing in your yard are the ones you want to be there. We offer 6 applications beginning in spring and the final application before winter to help maintain your landscape all year long.
Weeds often invade lawns that have issues in some way. Over- or under-watering, improper mowing, soil compaction, improper fertilization, insects, and plant disease are all problems that give weeds an opening to launch a full-scale attack on your property. Luckily for you, identifying the type of weeds you have can give you insight into the underlying problem in your lawn that led to the invasion. Equipped with this knowledge, your weed control experts will know what to do to reduce your problem.
The healthier your lawn, the less likely you are to struggle with weeds. This is because healthy lawns have a thick, deep root system. This gives less room for weeds to grow. Proper fertilization, aeration, mowing at the correct height, and watering appropriately are all essential weed control steps.
Weed Identification
As mentioned above, certain issues contribute to certain types of weeds. As such, identifying the types of weeds that you have is key to being able to fight them off. You’ll also need to know the weeds’ life cycles.
Weeds can be annual, biennial, or perennial.
- Annual weeds grow, produce seeds, and die within a year, making them the easiest to take care of.
- Biennial weeds live for 2 years, using the first to develop and the second to reproduce.
- Perennial weeds are the hardest to get rid of because they come back year after year after year.
Here in Utah, people typically struggle with broadleaf and grassy weeds.
Some examples of broadleaf weeds include:
- Dandelion (associated with poorly maintained thin areas/nearby infestation; helped by removal of plants and improved turfgrass management)
- Clover (associated with low nitrogen fertility; helped with fertilization)
- Ground Ivy (aka Creeping Charlie) (associated with moist areas, stressed turf, sparse lawns, shady areas; helped by increased sunlight, fertilization, cutting lawn to correct height, watering turfgrass correctly)
- Oxalis (associated with moist soil and lots of sunlight, thin and weak lawns; helped by maintaining a health, dense lawn, mulch, fertilization, and proper mowing height and frequency)
- Chickweed (associated with most soil and sunlight, compacted soil, and frequent, shallow watering; helped by plant removal, aeration, planting tougher grass species, and mowing high)
- Dollarweed (associated with overwatering; helped by reducing watering frequency, improving soil drainage, mowing high, and fertilization)
- Plantain (associated with overwatering, compacted soil, poorly maintained turfgrass, shaded areas in warm climates; helped by reduced irrigation, aeration, improved turfgrass management)
- Thistle (associated with disturbed soils; helped by minimizing soil disturbance, mulch, fertilization, mowing at the proper height)
Some examples of crabgrass and grassy weeds include:
- Crabgrass (associated with overwatering/frequent light watering and mowing too short; helped by watering longer and less often and checking mowing height)
- Foxtail (associated with both moist and dry soils and all sorts of climate conditions; helped by fertilization and mowing at the proper height)
- Bluegrass (associated with overwatering and compacted soil; helped with reduced irrigation and aeration)
- Quackgrass (associated with birds losing seeds in your lawn or wind blowing it there; helped by plant removal and seeding the area, fertilization, and mowing at a higher setting)
Professional Weed Control Services In Northern Utah
Green Castle Lawn Care can’t make it so that you never have weeds again – no lawn care company can as this is an impossible goal. However, we can provide you with weed control, which makes any weeds that do appear much easier to take care of and prevents them from becoming a large-scale problem.
Contact us today to learn more about our custom weed control programs and what we can do to keep your lawn as strong and healthy as possible.
Do We Service Your Area?
Green Castle Lawn Care services the following areas:
- Clearfield
- Clinton
- Farmington
- Farr West
- Fruit Heights
- Harrisville
- Hooper
- Kaysville
- Layton
- Marriott-Slaterville
- Mountain Green
- North Ogden
- North Salt Lake
- Ogden
- Plain City
- Pleasant View
- Reese Taylor
- Riverdale
- Roy
- South Ogden
- South Weber
- Sunset
- Syracuse
- Uintah
- Warren
- Washington Terrace
- West Haven
- West Point
- West Weber
- Willard