Utah grubs
Do you see brown or dead spots in your yard? You may have grubs underneath destroying your Utah lawn.
Grubs are beetles at the larval stage. They do all their feeding at this stage and your yard becomes breakfast, lunch and dinner. The brown and dead spots begin to become apparent when the grubs begin to feed on your grass roots.

There are different types of Utah lawns and grasses that are more susceptible to grubs and other pests, especially Kentucky Blue Grass varieties. We also find that Utah lawns with a west or south facing lawn tend to attract grubs. This is due to the nature of the soil and the excessive warmth that your yard provides. Lawns that are not properly fertilized, watered and maintained can also attract beetles to lay eggs during the summer months. At Green Castle Lawn Care and Pest Control, we have 20 years dealing with these infestations and know how to quickly get rid of your grub problem.
Grub Prevention
Preventing grubs from eating up your lawn can be achieved with regular grub control and prevention applications. Green Castle Lawn Care and Pest Control offers preventative grub control that can be added to any prepaid custom lawn care package.
Make sure you give us a call to investigate your lawn if you see any issues that may be related to Utah grubs. The quicker you give us a call the quicker we can make sure your lawn stays healthy and green this season.
Grub Control Treatments
Green Castle Lawn Care and Pest Control provides effective treatment for Utah lawns to not only end your grub problem this year, but we can help prevent grub problems in the future. You can trust us with your lawn. Green Castle Lawn Care and Pest Control has over 20 years treating and preventing grub problems in Utah. That is why we offer 100% satisfaction guarantee that you will be satisfied with our Grub treatments for your lawn.
Give us a call today. Our quick and effective grub control treatments will keep your Utah home looking good all season and help your lawn become pest-free.